Dentofacial orthodontics is the branch of dentistry dedicated to study the position of not just the teeth, but the jaws and how their position affects our breathing, airways and other important body functions. Deviation from normal condition in any one of these factors can result in many problems affecting the overall health of our body. Dentofacial orthodontic treatment is aimed at both beautifying your smile and improving health by preventing many problems that can arise from malocclusion.
Dental Seasons go beyond just teeth. Combined with his degree in sleep medicine and several years of experience in treating dental problems, Dr Bachour looks at teeth and jaws in a holistic way. His dentofacial orthodontic treatment in his Sandgate, Queensland clinic has been the reason behind healthy smiles and healthy faces of many of our valuable patients who visit us from various parts of the city and other localities.
Ideally, we don’t like to see crooked teeth as it indicates that jaw development is insufficient to house all of the teeth. When jaw development is less than ideal, we see increased risks of developing many problems, including snoring, sleep apnoea and temporomandibular joint pain, which affect the entire body.
Our dentist recommends an orthodontic treatment based on complexity of the problem. Various stages of treatment can be broadly classified as preventive, interceptive, corrective and surgical treatment. During your first dental visit, our dentist takes records of your teeth and notes down if there are any symptoms of the problem like headache and jaw pain. X-rays and scanners are also used to diagnose the position of teeth and jaws in relationship with one another. Our dentist then sets a treatment plan based on the severity of the problems noted. Clear aligners, such as Invisalign, are some of the appliances widely used to help correct the dentofacial orthodontic problem.
Dentofacial orthodontics is the field of dentistry that focuses on the development, prevention, and correction of irregularities of the teeth and jaws. As these problems can be seen from infancy and can affect your quality of sleep (which is so important in developing children), Dr Bachour strongly recommends seeing children from birth in order to identify any potential problems and whether any interceptive treatment would be of benefit.
Any orthodontic problem may be classified as a malocclusion. The following problems may be helped or minimised with proper dentofacial orthodontic treatment: misaligned, crooked or crowed teeth, missing teeth, extra teeth, a deep bite, temporomandibular joint pain, snoring and even obstructive sleep apnoea in some patients.
Any incorrect development in the jaws can have significant health consequences including sleep apnoea, so the short answer is the ideal time to treat is as soon as the problem is picked up. Dr Bachour has began treating his own children as young as 1 week of age. Treatment does not always mean braces! Children with sleep related breathing disorders are shown to have smaller brains, are less able to concentrate at school, amongst many other consequences which is why the sooner any issues are identified, the better.
The alignments of teeth are often genetically determined. The child inherits the tooth size from one parent and the jaw size from the other parent. This may cause a discrepancy in the jaw and tooth size and lead to spacing or crowding of teeth. Orthodontic problems can also be caused by habits that apply forces on the developing dentition such as thumb sucking and finger sucking. Early loss of baby teeth can cause drifting of the adjacent teeth and prevent the permanent teeth to take the normal path of eruption and causing crowding and collapsed jaws.
We can help develop the jaw, correct tooth positions and even prevent future tooth extractions if treatment is started at an early age. There are links between snoring/sleep apnoea and underdeveloped jaws. It is quite well known how snoring/sleep apnoea can negatively effect children’s growth and development. By attending to this as early as possible will help set the path for healthy development.
Maintaining good oral hygiene is the key, regardless whether you are in active treatment or not. Always be sure to brush your teeth carefully after every meal using a soft-bristled toothbrush and be sure to floss daily between the teeth and the braces. Maintainence every 6 month with professional cleans will target areas you are unable to clean at home. Limit your sugar intake and avoid frequent snacking.
There are several ways to correct it, such as resin veneers, porcelain veneers or using orthodontic methods such as Invisalign. Contact us to learn more about the procedure that’s best for you.
Check-ups, Fillings, Extractions, Children’s dental care, Mouthguards and more! Learn more
Chronic Pain of the Head and Neck, Sleep Apnea, Anti-Snoring Devices and more! Learn more
The friendly team at Dental Seasons look forward to guiding you through all of your dentals needs!
+61 7 3269 2064
119A Brighton Road
Sandgate QLD 4017
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